Voices From the Field Press Release

For Immediate Release
Friday, October 11, 2013

Paul Nathanson

New Report Provides FBI Agents’ First-Hand Accounts on How Funding Shortages and Budget Cuts Are Impacting FBI Operations

Report Details Impact of Cuts on National Security and Public Safety

Washington, DC - The FBI Agents Association today released a new report that provides FBI Agents' first-hand accounts of the impact of budget cuts on daily operations and investigations. The accounts, contained in Voices from the Field, include how budget cuts are affecting FBI Agents' daily operations and hampering criminal and national security investigations, and the risks associated with any additional budget cuts and furloughs.

"As FBI Agents, our commitment to our work is unwavering," said FBIAA President Rey Tariche. "We will continue to make the personal and professional sacrifices to do our jobs and protect this country. However, we are releasing Voices from the Field to ensure that Congress, the Administration, and the public are aware that the resources available to support the work of FBI Agents have been stretched to the breaking point."

The report chronicles Agents’ first-hand accounts of how severe budget cuts are undermining counter-terrorism and counter-intelligence investigations, forcing the closure of white collar investigations, harming cooperation with local law enforcement, and, in some cases, losing informants. Agents’ basic transportation needs are being compromised through prohibition against using official FBI vehicles because there is no funding for gas.

Because the FBI budget includes both defense and non-defense expenditures, sequestration cuts may be more devastating to the Bureau and Agents than to any other federal agency. The FBI will be forced to cut another approximately $800 million from its budget next year, worsening existing budget problems. In fact, sequestration cuts may result in furloughs of Agents from 10 to 26 days beginning as soon as next month. On these days, FBI Agents will be prohibited from working and will receive no pay, interrupting ongoing investigations, surveillances and other operations.

"As we state in the report, trying to save money by undermining the FBI's ability to protect the public is likely to be far more costly to our country in the long run," said Tariche. He also noted that the investigative work of FBI Agents has resulted in the payment of over $23 billion in recoveries and penalties to the federal government over the past three years.

"It's time for Congress and the White House to negotiate an agreement that protects national security and public safety, and eliminates the devastating cuts to the FBI," concluded Tariche.