Make a donation to this fund online or by check. Make checks payable to FBIAA MAF and mail to FBIAA, MAF PO Box 320215 Alexandria, VA 22320.
This fund is a tax-exempt charity under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All contributions are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
EIN: 27-1412466
The purpose of this Fund is to provide financial assistance to members & their families who have been affected by a sudden unforeseen tragedy. Assistance is also available on a case by case basis to non-member employees of the FBI and certain other law enforcement personnel.
The impetus for this fund was the donations received by the FBIAA for the FBI victims of Hurricane Katrina, the California Wildfires, a terrorist attack in Islamabad, and similar significant events for which no tax deductibility could be provided. Now, the generosity of donors can be properly recognized and appropriate fund raising efforts developed. Recent examples of Fund distributions have included payment for lodging near intensive care units when an immediate family member is hospitalized with a grave illness or injury, assistance with funeral expenses, emergency travel expenses in connection with a serious family matter, and assistance with the purchase of necessary durable medical equipment.
You can make a donation to this fund online. Checks can be made payable to MAF and mailed to P.O. Box 320215 Alexandria, VA 22320.