FBIAA Press Releases

National Press Club Newsmaker

November 26, 2013

WASHINGTON, Nov. 25, 2013 — FBI agents will discuss how sequestration's mandated budget cuts are affecting daily FBI operations and hampering criminal and national security investigations, as well as the risks associated with additional budget cuts and furloughs expected early next year, at a National Press Club Newsmakers news conference on Wednesday, December 4.

Voices From the Field Press Release

October 11, 2013

Report Details Impact of Cuts on National Security and Public Safety

Washington, DC - The FBI Agents Association today released a new report that provides FBI Agents' first-hand accounts of the impact of budget cuts on daily operations and investigations. The accounts, contained in Voices from the Field, include how budget cuts are affecting FBI Agents' daily operations and hampering criminal and national security investigations, and the risks associated with any additional budget cuts and furloughs.

FBI Agents Association Congratulates James Comey On Senate Confirmation

July 30, 2013

FBI Agents Association (FBIAA) President Rey Tariche issued the following statement on the Senate's confirmation of James Comey to be the next FBI Director:

"FBIAA, representing more than 12,000 active duty and retired Agents, congratulates James Comey on his confirmation by the Senate to be the next FBI Director. There are a number of significant issues facing the Bureau that may affect public safety and national security, including challenges resulting from sequestration and other budget cuts. We look forward to working with Mr. Comey to address these and other challenges."
